I’m super excited to introduce my new micro GROWTH UNITS, which offer you the benefits of coaching, in a way that fits your time and budget! A GROWTH UNIT is personal coaching broken up into 1 to 2 session segments. It allows you to work on one area as you’re able.
Now, personal growth and forward movement are totally doable! You can focus on something you've really been wanting to develop, such as attaining balance, decluttering, or creating a breakthrough. Check out this list for options. It only takes an hour or two of your time, and is done from your home. Plus, you'll be set up to win with the support of a certified and experienced personal coach!
Just click and choose a time that's good for you: https://square.site/book/7QYE8SFQ54E7J/broad-tree-coaching. You'll receive an email with instructions for your call-in coaching session.
You know, I absolutely love coaching. It’s so gratifying to be a part of the process as clients grow, make breakthroughs and thrive. They find authenticity, meaning and quality of life. It’s my hope that you’ll try GROWTH UNITS. Schedule a session today, and start on your way to BECOMING ALL THAT YOU ARE!